Events where you might have run into me:
  1. 2025

    WOGAG 2025 on Barbados
    Dagstuhl seminar: Solving Problems on Graphs: From Structure to Algorithms in Wadern, Germany talk: "Graphs of bounded sphere dimension"
  2. 2024

    GROW 2024 in Cottbus, Germany talk: "Counterexample to Babai's lonely colour conjecture"
    2024 Workshop on (Mostly) Matroids in Daejeon, Korea talk: "Erdős-Pósa property of tripods in directed graphs"
    WG 2024 in Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia
    WOGAG 2024 on Barbados
    WOGGA 2024 on Okinawa, Japan
  3. 2023

    SICGT 2023 in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia talk: "The structure of directed graphs – looking for the missing link"
    SODA 2023 in Florence, Italy talk: "Fixed-parameter tractability of Directed Multicut with three terminal pairs parameterized by the size of the cutset: twin-width meets flow-augmentation"
  4. 2022

    GROW 2022 in Koper, Slovenia talk: "Generating Strongly 2-Connected Digraphs"
    AlMoTh 2022 in Bremen, Germany
  5. 2021

    Graph Product Structure Theory in Banff, Canada (remote participant at Będlewo in Poland)
    ECM 2021 (online) talk: "Graphs with two moplexes are more than perfect"
    LAGOS 2021 (online) talk: "Graphs with Two Moplexes"
  6. 2020

    WG 2020 (online)
    IWOCA 2020 (online)
  7. 2019

    KolKom 2019 in Paderborn, Germany talk: "Avoidable paths in graphs"
    Cycles and Colourings in the High Tatras, Slovakia talk: "Cyclewidth: A branch decomposition for directed graphs"
    Eurocomb 2019 in Bratislava, Slovakia
    WG2019 in Val de Nuria, Spain
    CanaDAM 2019 in Vancouver, Canada talk: "Polynomial Planar Directed Grid Theorem"
    SODA 2019 in San Diego, USA talk: "Polynomial Planar Directed Grid Theorem"
  8. 2018

    KolKom 2018 in Paderborn, Germany talk: "Perfect matching width, grids and directed cycles"
    Grasta 2018 in Berlin, Germany
    SGT 2018 in Sète, France
    WG2018 in Cottbus, Germany talk: "On Perfect Linegraph Squares"
  9. 2017

    Tangle Block Seminar in Sprötze, Germany
    WG2017 in Heeze, Netherlands/a> talk: The minimum shared edges problem on grid-like graphs
  10. 2015

    CSL 2015 in Berlin, Germany
    EXPRESS/SOS 2015 in Madrid, Spain talk: Encoding CSP into CCS

Seminar talks:
  1. 2024

    Research Seminar of the TCS&DM group, Universität Heidelberg, November 24 title: "Erdős-Pósa property of tripods in directed graphs"
    MATH Seminar, Emory University Atlanta, October 24 title: "Erdős-Pósa property of tripods in directed graphs"
    Georgia Tech graph theory seminar, Georgia Tech Atlanta, October 24 title: "Half-integral Erdős-Pósa property for non-null S–T paths"
    Algorithms seminar of the Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw, September 24 title: "Counterexample to Babai's lonely colour conjecture"
  2. 2023

    Research seminar at RIMS Kyoto university organised by Kazuhisa Makino, July 18 title: "The structure of directed graphs"
    IBS Discrete Math Seminar, February 21 title: "Fixed-parameter tractability of Directed Multicut with three terminal pairs parameterized by the size of the cutset: twin-width meets flow-augmentation"
  3. 2022

    AlGCo Seminar Montpellier, February 24 title: "On the structure of directed graphs"
  4. 2021

    LaS Research Colloquium, February 10 title: "Constant Congestion Brambles"
    Graph and Matroid Seminar by The Matroid Union, February 2 title: "Perfect Matching Width and a grid minor theorem for bipartite graphs"
  5. 2020

    IBS Virtual Discrete Math Colloquium, November 11 title: "Constant Congestion Brambles"
    Koper Math Research Seminar, October 19 title: "Constant Congestion Brambles"
    Département Combinatoire et Algorithmique du LaBRI, April 17 title: "Perfect Matching Width, Grids and Directed Cycles"
    Koper Math Research Seminar, January 27 title: "Avoidable paths in graphs"
  6. 2019

    LaS Research Colloquium, May 22 title: "Polynomial planar directed grid theorem"
    LaS Research Colloquium, February 10 title: "Avoidable paths in graphs"